In an effort to broaden my artistic horizons, I joined an online challenge group. The first theme will be handed out on Jan 1. The process is to be recorded on the challenge blog and I will do the same on this one. The members of the group are to make 6 small quilts over the course of the year. I think it will be fun and I definitely need a distraction right about now.
The show I was in at GPAC ended on the 17th of Dec and when I went to collect my quilts the gallery director apologized to me for lack of sales. Not her fault. But she did say that there was lots of interest and many positive comments on my art work. And there may another opportunity for an exhibit. Someone asked her for my contact info and is putting a proposal before their board to show my quilts. She didn't say anything other than that, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the future. The arts group I belong to is having a group show in Feb and that will be good too.
In the meantime, there's plenty to keep me busy if I would just knuckle down and do it!!