Saturday, April 28, 2012

Art Show

For the last several decades, the downtown area of Memphis has been in a state of decline, something that has happened in many towns and cities where suburban sprawl has taken over the mindset of the citizens. Memphis has slowly been reclaiming it's urban space over the last few years and there has been a great resurgence in bringing in artists and their art into urban areas, specifically in the South Main district.
   In an effort to expand this movement and improve the appearance of the mostly vacant buildings  (formerly thriving retail establishments) on the northern end of Main Street, some of the movers and shakers in this fair town have recruited artists to display the works in the windows of these buildings.
  The artist group I am involved with, The Memphis Association of Craft Artists, was allowed to set up the collective works of some of our members in a store front on the corner of Union Ave. and N. Main St.

  Many thanks to the board members for coordinating this show and to the members who showed up to get their hands dirty (literally) for the set up. A MACA show always looks fabulous, I think, and the art just seems to go together in the most pleasing way.

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