Sunday, January 17, 2016


I have been happily ensconced in my hovel this weekend, playing with my fabric and sewing machines. It feels so calming to stay busy with projects and working on ideas inspired by fellow artists. Even though there was a lot of hand work involved-ugh-combining Michele's ceramic tiles with my hand printed fabric, the result has become a wonderful art piece. The vessels arrived and await their completion. I am a happy hermit. No more photos till the show opens.
    It's too cold to rake leaves or move dirt anyway. Time for that soon enough. I will be happy to start early spring planting and want to start seeds for some of the crops in the house. Snow peas, greens, chard, etc. I'm sure I can find plants for the late spring/summer plants. The raised bed should be ready soon enough. Gotta get lots of soil to add to the rotted leaves I've been piling all winter.
   I'm still getting to know my new machine as well. I went into settings and thought I had fixed the typing mode to auto spell and capitalize, but NO!!! A thorough investigation is in order! Harumph. And I never ventured to the office supply for the external mouse, so I'm fiddling with the swirly, fingery thing still.
    All in all, it has been a restful weekend. Life is good.

1 comment:

Sally Mercer said...

Marilyn, I have been trying to contact the seamstress who sewed for my late mother-in-law, Jane Mercer. There is no answer at the phone number I found in Jane's address book. If you are that person, please email me at
Thank you. Sally Mercer