Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Okay no photos today but my walking mileage for April was very good and I need a little bragging right now. The total for the past month is 89.64 miles and I'm sure I have actually walked more than that with errands where I did not wear my pedometer. Plus today I feel all pure and holy because I walked to the diagnostic center to get a follow up mammogram and that was 3.36 miles round trip. And I'm fine. The new technologies of imaging found a weird spot last fall and it turned out to be nothing unusual. WHEW!! I am probably in better shape than I have been in my entire life and no doubt will be run over by a delivery truck one day while walking for my health.
  Now back to the grindstone..................

1 comment:

Trish said...

Whoo hoo! Kudos on the mileage and hooray for the negative mammo! :)