Yes, I know the title sounds very much like the curmudgeon, but I have never been a fan of the winter holidays. The bear in me would rather hibernate until the warm fulsome days of spring return, even though the area in which I live has the mildest of winters.
Fortunately, I was blessed a little over eight years ago with a sweet grandson, who can pull me from the depths of lonely introspection with a funny face and offer of assistance.
Having to alter my original plans for a Thanksgiving feast, I will face the task of providing one with the help of said boy. We both suffered the disappointment of not being able to show up with our hearty appetites at the original destination, but soon got over that.
The menu was quickly narrowed to the dishes deemed the most important, namely turkey and pumpkin pie. Opinions and suggestions from would be guests at the upcoming feast were gathered and the menu expanded upon. Ideas from trusted foodies (who read the New York Times) are being seriously considered as well.
Grub is being obtained at various grocery stores with the aid of guest's very welcomed contribution of government funding--aka food stamps. The generosity of the American system will be mentioned in the predinner prayers. Since space is at a premium in this hovel, we will be dining in the breakfast room, in the kitchen or off laps.
In my dreams, I envision a proper and lovelier holiday season in 2014. My heart goes out to sports coaches, hunters, fisherman and gardeners everywhere. Because, you know, there's always next year!