These past few days have been packed full of activity. After hours spent waiting on delivery people the week before it was a most welcome change. Monday was mental health day with sewing girlz, Wednesday evening board meeting with MACA folks (a great member meeting planned for later this month), more fun with sewing friends on Thursday at guild, and on Tuesday and Friday I got some work done on a dress for a fitting Saturday morning. Today, I cleared out some of the jungle in my backyard with the help of my son and the electric chain saw--my new favorite power tool. We went out for BBQ and beer afterwards since we didn't have a proper birthday celebration for him last week. There's still a ton of work to do out there, but fingers crossed the weather will continue to be as pleasant as it is today.
On Thursday at the Memphis Sewing guild, we decorated fans for our program "Beat the Heat" and had lots of fun. Photos later as I haven't gotten around to downloading the pics yet.
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